onsdag 18 april 2012

Trojan uv max

UVMax Sterilight UV Systems - TrojanUV

In over 100 countries, VIQUA systems purify over 18.9 million litres of water every minute. VIQUA.s main product lines are UVMax and Sterilight. Both are. TrojanUVTelos is the latest evolution of UV for small communities and was created to address the. Environmental Contaminant Treatment. Indirect Potable. Trojan Technologies 3020 Gore Road, London, Ontario, Canada N5V 4T7. MAX. TM. C4. Example label of model C4. 100. 1.2A. UVMax C4 120v 3/4NPT.

Trojan UVMax-A Standard UV System. System Specifications and Comparison of Standard UV Systems. Part Number. Description. Price. trojan uvmax A. Trojan UV-system for desinfektion av vatten, sakert och effektivt utan kemikalier. Sedan 1976 har Trojan varit den ledande producenten av UV-system for effektiv.

De anvands for UV-behandling av dricksvatten och processvatten. Oavsett anlaggning, skall UV-lampan bytas efter ett ars drift. TROJAN TYP UV-MAX. UV Max Systems treat the water for the whole home, eliminating 99.99 of bacteria and viruses including chlorine-resistant cysts that are not tested for in routine. Trojan UV Max UV Water Purification Systems Seller Viqua UVMax is a leading developer of water treatment solutions using environmentally friendly ultraviolet. Germicidal doses of high-intensity, ultraviolet light destroy waterborne pathogens. Indicator lights show the status of system components. Low-pressure. Trojan UV Max System - The ultimate ultraviolet water purification system on the market. Find great deals on Trojan disinfection systems and free shipping!. Install a Trojan UVMax disinfection system and you no longer have to be concerned about waterborne pathogenic organisms causing illness or contaminating. WARNING – Do not look directly at UV lamp when it is operating. or sold by Trojan Technologies may cause an unsafe condition and/or reduce disinfection. The Trojan UVMax product line includes a wide range of models suitable for almost any conceivable residential and light commercial water treatment application.

Home. Products. Water Treatment. UV Disinfection. Trojan UV Max Range A premium UV unit with advanced functionality, with flow rates beginning at the. The Trojan UV Max Pro 10 and Pro 20 have been tested and certified to NSF Standard 55 Class A. This is the only UV system to have met the rigorous.

Trojan UV Max Water Purification System - Pelican Water Systems

Residential Light Commercial UV Water Treatment. As a business unit of Trojan Technologies, VIQUA is able to leverage the engineering know-how that. Uv-max-replacement-lamps-for-trojan First Light Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of compatible and economical replacement lamps for.

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